Reflection Questions

5/11/24 - Psalm 5: The Overflow of the Heart

  • How might this different understanding of God’s “hate” alter how we view his anger and wrath in the Old Testament?

  • When friends talk about others, do you find yourself joining in, or stepping away from the conversation? Why?

  • What does your speech indicate about the alignment of your heart?

5/5/24 - Psalm 4: Anger Management

  • Can you identify one or two triggers that usually elevate your anger? How can you be proactive to not be mastered by anger in these situations?

  • If someone is saying untrue or unkind things about you. What is the worst thing that would happen by remaining silent?

  • Next time you are feeling angry, meditate on Psalm 4 and rest in the love and affirmation of God.

4/28/24 - Psalm 3: God Came to the Rescue

  • What is your “many are rising up against me” that you are dealing with right now? How can this Psalm support you in those circumstances?

  • Spend some time brainstorming the ways God has come through in the past. Write them down so you can refer to them whenever you need that reminder.

  • What do you make of the violent language in verse 7? Are there situations where such language is warranted?

4/21/24 - Psalm 2: God’s Sense of Humor

  • Who or what is the external threat that you are most anxious about right now? How can this Psalm provide hope and comfort for you?

  • How can you showcase your submission to the reign and rule of King Jesus Christ?

  • This week, cultivate a spirit of laughter. Find some good jokes to share with God and join in laughter together.

4/14/24 - Psalm 1: A Tale of Two Lives

  • Who are the people that you spend the most time with, and do they encourage or discourage your spiritual pursuit of the path of God?

  • Do you find yourself in proximity of the love and direction of Jesus Christ?

  • How might your life look different than it currently does if you lived this Psalm out more fully?

3/24/24 - How Could a Loving God Send People to Hell?

  • Which of the perspectives of hell shared this morning do you find most compelling and why?

  • “God’s wrath is proportional to his love.” Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Why?

  • This week, meditate on Exodus 34:6-7. As you read the words out loud, which characteristic of God do you find most unexpected?

3/17/24 - How Could a Loving God Allow So Much Suffering?

  • What has been a source of disillusionment in your faith? (Disillusionment=“is this what God is like?”)

  • Can you think of an example from your life where suffering brought your closer to God?

  • Think of someone who is suffering right now. How can you be an agent of God’s tenderness and compassion in their life?

2/25/24 - Doesn’t the Bible Condone Slavery?

  • Have you ever felt like Hagar felt?

  • What is the Spirit of God brining up for you as you reflect?

  • Where have you known the pains of exploitation, betrayal, harm, abuse, or maybe acts of commission or omission caused these things?

2/18/24 - Hasn’t Science Disproved Christianity?

  • If faith and science disagree about something, which side do you typically give preference to?

  • What makes you in awe of God? Take some time to rest in that and go to God in adoration, acknowledging his majesty and goodness.

  • What will you do this week to explore the Creation that God has made? (Creation does not just mean nature)

2/11/24 - How Can You Take the Bible Literally?

  • In your own words, how would you describe the difference between understanding the Bible literally vs. literarily?

  • Do you have a passage of Scripture that you have a hard time understanding or reconciling? Pass it on for our next Q&A Sunday!

  • Get your hands on one of the resources suggested this morning (Fee/Stuart book, Bible Commentary, come to small group, etc).

2/4/24 - Doesn’t Religion Cause Violence?

  • “Christianity did not become a major religion by the quality of its truth, but by the quantity of its violence.” Do you think this statement is true, why or why not?

  • Are there scenarios where violence is acceptable? Or do the teachings of Jesus lead us to pacifism?

  • Which of the Bible verses quoted today is most difficult for you to live out? Why?

1/28/24 - Doesn’t Religion Hinder Morality?

  • Would you consider Christianity a moral religion? Why or why not?

  • When you recognize a place where you have erred do you repent before God, or do you just ignore it and move on with your life? Spend some time in prayer confession and repentance of your sins this week.

  • As you look at the fruit of the Spirit (Gal 5:22-23), which of these characteristics is most present in your life? Which one has the most opportunity to develop?

1/21/24 - How Can You Say There’s Only One True Faith?

  • Do you believe in the exclusive claims of Christianity? Why or why not?

  • What gives you the confidence that the Christian faith is reliable?

  • What prevents you from being more persuasive with your faith as an act of love to those around you? Especially those who you cherish most.

1/14/24 - Doesn’t Christianity Crush Diversity?

1/7/24 - Aren’t We Better Off Without Religion?

  • Have you engaged anti-religious arguments like the New Atheism? Why or why not?

  • How would you articulate the personal benefit you receive from your practice of Christianity?

  • Which of the “7 biblical principles for good” do you see as the greatest opportunity to grow in your Christian character?

12/31/23 - Craving Justice

  • Why do you think God does not more directly intervene to prevent massacres like we read about in Matthew 2?

  • Where is your soul crying out for God’s justice in this season of waiting?

  • In what ways has Jesus called you to relinquish your power for his kingdom? How have you responded?

12/24/23 - Craving Love

  • Right now, do you feel worthy of love? If not, what is your biggest obstacle to experiencing that type of fulfillment?

  • Where do you see God’s love for you in the nativity story?

  • How have you demonstrated your love to God this week?

12/10/23 - Craving Peace

  • What is one area of your life right now where you crave the peace of God?

  • In Matthew 5:39 Jesus illustrates the way of peace in saying “turn the other cheek.” What makes it difficult to live this way?

  • How would you compare and contrast what peace keeping and peace making look like?

12/3/23 - Craving Hope

  • Where is the despair of the world most visible to you? Why do you think this is the example that came to your mind?

  • Is the season leading up to Christmas usually a positive (happy, hopeful) or negative (sadness, loneliness) experience for you?

  • What steps can you take this week to move from despair to the path of hope? (Prayer, therapy, sharing your struggles with a trusted friend)

11/12/23 - Tithing 101

  • Based on Biblical evidence, how do you think the Christian should consider giving/tithing as a part of their spiritual life?

  • Why does tithing provide space to receive more of God?

  • Look at your finances this week. What percent of your budget are you giving to kingdom-minded organizations? Is the Lord inviting you to increase that number?

11/5/23 - NCC24: Why was it necessary for Christ, the Redeemer, to die?

  • Are there any parts of the catechism answer that you have difficultly believing or agreeing with, why or why not?

  • Is there a failure in your life that you have struggled to experience God’s forgiveness?

  • This week, how will you live as a citizen of God’s eternal kingdom?

10/29/23 - God’s Provision and Paul’s Contentment (Phil 4:10-23)

  • Take some time and think of someone you are grateful for, and then make a plan to tell them this week.

  • Are you content with what the Lord has given you? Why or why not?

  • Do you have a misused Bible verse that is a pet peeve of yours? Share it with Pastor Chris.

10/22/23 - Focus on the Good (Phil 4:2-9)

  • Think of a source of conflict in your life. What might it look like to put their needs above your own and seek reconciliation?

  • Spend some time in prayer with God. Try to identify a place where even though harsh action could be justified, God is calling you to the path of kindness?

  • Next time something overwhelms you this week, try to center on God first through prayer.

10/15/23 - Keep Your Foot on the Gas (Phil 3:12-4:1)

  • What is one thing you ought to start or stop doing to see growth in your spiritual life?

  • Who is someone you look to for guidance and encouragement in your faith? Who is someone you might be able to encourage in the faith?

  • Where do you see God’s work in your community? How can you join in that work for the sake of the kingdom of God?

10/8/23 - Righteousness Through Faith Alone (Phil 3:1-11)

  • What are the limits to civility and empathy? When is it ok to dehumanize your opponent because of their stance?

  • What accomplishment or accolade are you most likely to develop your identity or sense of worth from?

  • Do you believe that God is fully satisfied in you right now because of the gospel of Christ? If not, what is standing in the way of that?

10/1/23 - Work Out God’s Work In You (Phil 2:12-30)

  • What should you add to your routine to “prepare the soil of your heart” for God’s growth?

  • This week, notice your words. Is your first reaction to praise or to grumble?

  • If you were writing this letter, who would be 1 or 2 saints you would use as an example of a God honoring life? Why?

9/24/23 - Jesus is the Example of Humility (Phil 1:27-2:11)

  • What is the relationship between remaining faithful/steadfast against outside persecution and unity inside of the church?

  • Recount a time when you were able to use your privilege as an opportunity to serve someone else.

  • Pick one (or two) of those 7 practices from Bonhoeffer and focus on it this week.

9/17/23 - To Live is Christ, to Die is Gain (Phil 1:12-26)

  • Do you rejoice in gospel proclamations from your “rivals”?

  • Who do you look to as an inspiration to give you boldness in the gospel, even if it might yield your own suffering?

9/10/23 - Paul’s Love Letter to the Philippians (Phil 1:1-11)

  • Think of a few brothers and/or sisters of the faith who you are thankful for. Have you let them know?

  • How are you being a community cultivator and not just a community parasite?

  • Are you praying for the blessing and formation of others? Or are you just praying for their circumstances?

Reflection Archives